Tuesday, June 26, 2018

2 Months

Marlee is 2 months old! The time is going by way too fast, but I love watching this little girl grow and develop such a fun/goofy personality!

Here are Marlee's measurements from her 2 month check up :)

Weight = 10 lbs 5 oz (23rd percentile)
Height = 22 1/4 inches (37th percentile)
Head = (14th percentile)

She has almost doubled her birth weight. Crazy to think that some people's babies are that big at birth. Ouch. I can't even imagine. 

A few things about Marlee

Marlee LOVES to move. She has gotten to this point where if she is not super tired then she doesn't want to be held. Instead she wants to lay down and kick and move her arms around like crazy. I am pretty sure it's her favorite thing to do. I love how wiggly she is and her movements. It's so cute to see her discover this awesome body she has.
Marlee also loves to smile. Guys. It seriously melts my heart. Every. Single. Time. She just barely started smiling about a week ago and now it's nonstop. She is such a happy baby! 

Another great thing about Marlee is her sleeping schedule. We have been so blessed with an amazing sleeper. She started sleeping roughly from 9pm-6am at about 7ish weeks. Of course it's not always that great, but it's pretty consistent. So many people have asked me what I did to get her to sleep, but honestly I kind of have no clue! Hahaha I am a HUGE fan of the Baby Wise book though. I followed the schedule written out in that book as if my life depended on it. I highly recommend that book. I got the kindle version of it for free on Amazon just for making a registry with them. Click here to check it out. I know some people aren't huge fans of this book, but it has helped me and my husband keep our sanity. It is hard at first to be on a schedule, but your sanity will thank you when your baby is sleeping well and not eating every hour of the day.

Marlee HATES waiting for her food. Hahaha it's the funniest thing because you hear her different cries now and sometimes it's just so fake. She has even gotten the lower lip pout down! Hey I guess I would get hangry too if all I had to eat was milk! 

And of course, Marlee still hates the dirty diapers. It has gotten better! But man she will let us know when she has a wet diaper. Poopy diaper though, she can sit in that all day. Hahaha she is such a goof.

We sure love our Marlee girl. Some nights I can't help but just stare and her while she sleeps. It's crazy when it hits me that I get to be her mom. Even on the hardest days, I feel so blessed to have this sweet spirit in my life. 

If you read my birth story then you saw that on Marlee's left foot, her toes didn't develop all the way. In the words of my niece, she has little circles on her foot! The specialist told us that there really isn't anything we can do for her, but that she will walk, run, jump, skip just like every other kid. I am not worried about her physical development at all and know she will be just fine. What happened inside when she was developing is call Amniotic Band Syndrome. Basically inside the uterus are little fibers that can create strings. Those strings sometimes can get big enough to wrap about parts of babies body and prevent it from developing. There is a Facebook group called The Lucky Fin Project (I highly recommend you go and look at these adorable kids!) and it has so many people on there whose kids who also had amniotic band syndrome. Most of the kiddos on there were born with it on their fingers and some were even born without hands. I've yet to find someone on there who has toes like Marlee's, but I guess she might just be one of a kind :)

Meeting her Aunt Lindsey and cousin Lily for the first time!

Sleeping all through church

Meeting her cousins Ella, Hannah, and Ivy. Ivy is almost exactly 1 year older than Marlee. It's crazy the difference a year can make!

Meeting her cousin Afton! Afton was born just 7 weeks before Marlee and they even looked like twins at birth! 

This one makes my heart melt!

Right after she spit up all over me....

We took this picture just the other night and were dying laughing at her face. Hahaha this is one for her future wedding video!

I debated on sharing this last picture, but I thought why not? You can probably tell I was crying. This was one of the hardest days I ever had as a mom. I won't bore you with the details, but Marlee cried A LOT that day and I was so frustrated. Motherhood is not what it's all cracked up to be on social media. It's not all sunshine and rainbows with babies/kids that are happy 100% of the time. It's soooo much harder to be a stay at home mom than I thought it was. It may be harder for me than it is for other people, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I am so beyond thankful that I am able to stay at home with Marlee and raise her. It's so nice to be with her all day long even if it's hard. What makes it worth it is when I see her smile and I get to watch her fall asleep at night. She is just so tiny and perfect. 

1 comment:

  1. Love this and love you!! I’m so glad I got to meet Marlee before we left! You’re a wonderful mother, Robyn!
